Saturday, June 24, 2006

No will power and procrastinations wins!! I...

No will power and procrastinations wins!!

I have bought yet more software that will help me make my fortune!!

My Son and Brendon are both busy doing their thing. is up and running and is also growing slowly.

There is a mountain of content from adsnese goldmine, nitromarketing and a load of other memberships that I have had which need to be sifted through, prioritised, web sites developed and promoted but what did I do.

Bought some more bloody software.

I am a sales mans dream. I have almost every piece of software available on the internet for keyword research, adsense and seo ready web site creation and seo promotional submitting and assessing software.

Lets see how long I can go before I buy another one? is got to be done and so have a lot of the other sites. great name but no site. I have several villas and apartments to put up there which are standing empty due to my procrastination and I am determined to get them done. So with renewed vigour I shall go forth and DO. With passion, dedication, motiation, commitment and conviction. Well we will see.

Until the next time....

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