Saturday, June 24, 2006

In the beginning there was confusion!!

After spending my working years making money the orthodox way, I decided to have a go online.

At 45 maybe I am a bit past it although when I first made the decision to try it I was only 39. Yep!!!! It has taken me 6 years of procrastinating to get this far.

Dont get me wrong, I have spent many hours studying various gurus, online marketing techniques, reading ebooks and courses, bought and listened to countless mp3 and audio cd´s watched hours of dvd and online video, bought numerous "must have" web tools and software programs so I must know my stuff by now?? Or so you would think.

All this has done is created more confusion. There are so many different views and promises of wealth online. However, it is still possible to make money with online marketing you have just got to decide which way is best for you. Make the decision and stick with the plan.

The idea of this blog is to record my journey from here on in. Hopefully, it will make me take regular action and help put structure to my goal of becoming a successful online marketeer.

If you are reading this (and I doubt it as I have only just set up this account :-) ) the following is the plan for my next blog.

1. A brief (or more likely to be verbose) description of me, my background and family, what I do and how it has taken so long to get here! and a list of my goals. Dangerous as it means I have to take some form of action.

I was always told the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.... or, for the animal lovers who maybe slightly upset at that thought. The best way to get to the top of a mountain is one step at a time. For those worried about the damage done to the environment with me traipsing over the rare mountain flowers, remember this is all metaphorical... Maybe that should be the title of another blog..... Political correctness gone mad.... "What is it safe to say these days"??

The point is if, you are still awake, is to actually take that first step and this is IT.... Oh, my mum would be so proud.

2. The various ways to make money from my perspective.

3. Searching for the wood amongst the trees and Information overload.

4. K.I.S.S (Keep it Simple Stupid) Are you having a laugh

So until the next post... I bid farewell... My first goal is to update this on a very regular basis. So lets see how I do.



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