Monday, September 18, 2006
Don't look Lloyd! But it was too late.
I tried my best not to do it but I succumbed in a minute of madness, a moment of weakness and now I have to suffer the consequences of my actions.
What was it that I did so bad? I looked back. Sounds simple eh? After all what trouble could looking back do? Well I will tell you, through my tears of pain and anguish.
Reading my past ramblings it becomes apparent that I have not done what I set out to do......
Daily posts huh.....!!! Setting up my websites and promoting them huh .....!!!!! I have even forgot some of the sites that I have set up.
Woe is me ... A failure in my aspirations... If only I could spell it..
It is not all bad though.
I am trading online and making money using the market analyser software program.
I have set up my own hosting company which is nearly live... Offering hosting at really cheap prices.
My other blog is coming on and helping others to make money through trading the stock market and the forex (foreign exchange markets).
So not all bad. Now I have got to peddle a bit harder to catch up with all the things I set out to do when I created the blog.
Got to get my affiliate sites up to earn me some money.
So, watch this space and lets see if I will still be crying in a few weeks.
One things for sure, I need to concentrate on one thing at a time. I seem to flit from one thing to another without completing anything. Who's fault is that?????
I blame the parents..
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Did you ever, no I never, all the Time
Monday, September 11, 2006
My Dirty Secret and I am going to tell it!
It is clear that there will be much mirth and tittering behind my back and probably more so to my face, but I do not care.
Life is short and we must try everything once, well most things, not EVERYTHING!!! And, if we like it then it is ok to continue doing it I say.
There will even be pictures to follow my admission coming once I have gotten over the embarrassment.
It is something I swore never to do but I succumbed.
I like camping..... There you go I said it.... Well not actually camping in a tent... But the kids talked me into buying a Motor Home. Katie reckoned it was better than a boat on the canal, my choice, her reasons for this was that a motor home could go on land and water, via a ferry over to sunny France as well as traveling the length and breadth of Britain. Something Katie thinks would take more than her lifetime on a narrow boat. She had a point, so we bought a motor home and spent several weeks traveling Devon and Cornwall before visiting family in South Wales.
I have always been in the Jeremy Clarkson school of thinking when it came to camping and caravanning. But I was wrong... Wrong.. Wrong.. Wrong. It is great!
Well no more, The camp sites we visited had great facilities, loads to do and some of the most fantastic views I have ever seen.
Now, as a convert it can be easy to sing the praises and extol the virtues of the great outdoors and berate the much respected, aforementioned, Clarkson. Going over the top to justify our new discovery. But I wont... Suffice to say we will be doing it again. With our heads held high.
The online battle still rages and as time passes I become more knowledgeable and focused, but I still have to much crap on my system and it struggles under the weight of it all to load up in the morning.
It is the computer version of obese. It is out of breath as soon as it trys to do anything strenuous, like load a word document or open my email. It wheezes worse than a 84 year old man on 40 fags a day.
So, I intend to cleanse it, send it to the fat club and detox the hard drive.
There are some new sites up TradeByPc is a web site to market a fantastic new stock market and currency trading software. It actually tells you when to get in and out of a trade. Take a look and see for yourself. They offer a 14 day free trial and you can download it from my site.
A rather big post but it has been a long time since the last post.
until next time
Saturday, June 24, 2006
A Great progam but sorry its closed
It has led to me spending 1,000´s of pounds on well, do I need to explain? I am sure a lot of you have done the same.
Well now I have unsubscribed to most of them for two reasons. 1.- I never get the time to read them and 2. - I have joined a really great program called 1o million dollars in 90 days. The website is
It is excellent and it is FR*ee, I thought there would be a catch because everyone is after money from you aren´t they? Well not Kevin, as time goes on I am learning more and more and it is not costing me anything. There is a big active group on the forum which is just beginning to bubble.
The quality of the information is unbelievable. Most courses tell you what you should do and then charge you to tell you how to do it.
It is now closed and there are no more spaces but with a bit of luck Kevin will run it again in the future. My advice if you are reading this is get on the list if you can.
I am not able to divulge what is in the program but I will update you on my progress as I go.
Remember - Life is all about having fun and making money. And, the more money you make the more fun you will have.
It Is Now Or Never
Having moved to the UK to run the sales for an international holiday company 8 months ago, They have decided to stop which puts yours truly out of work.
It will ensure that I really do make it happen, focus all my time and energy on our online business.
Also ShopByPc has been re-launcheded it offers a small carefully selected range of furniture at really low prices. The furniture market is massive and I hope to take a very small but rewarding bit of it. We can expand it to sell other items as the name is great for a shopping portal.
Lloyd Hester
The Journey is on its way
Is there life outside of my PC - Sad or what?
Well it will all be worth it in the end.
2 new sites are up and running although they need to have the graphics changed to our own. I have bought a resell package that I can rebrand anpost as our own. This is an interesting concept and has been around for a while.
The 2 sites are it takes the content of your existing articles and changes it around replacing words with alternatives. So for example, it could take a phrase like "this new software will change the way that you look at the internet and article creation" to "The new software will revolutionise the way you view the web and article making" it also changes around paragraphs to ensure that the content is fresh and picked up by the search engines without being seen as duplicate.
The other web site is the which will create your sales letter page automatically formatting it to produce the best responses.
The great thing about the software is that it guides you through the process step by step keeping you focussed on each area of the letter. It help concentration and cuts the time it takes me to write a letter down by more than half. This is because it is structured and helps you think it through. Go take a look and see what you think. If you want a copy of any of our software or online courses post a comment with your details and I will discount it for you.
Well I hope to have several more web sites online by the weekend and I will post the details as soon as they are up.
The next step is to start promoting it and see how quickly we can get it producing traffic and revenue.
We are also looking at the various other ways to generate income online by using adsense and becoming an affiliate for various other companies promoting a range of other produscts and services.
I am not going to tell you about the fact that I have bought yet moe software and programs and will probaly have more by the time I post again. I THINK I HAVE A PROBLEM....!! SOME FORM OF COMPULSIVE BUYING DISORDER... HELP ;-)
No will power and procrastinations wins!! I...
No will power and procrastinations wins!!
I have bought yet more software that will help me make my fortune!!
My Son and Brendon are both busy doing their thing. is up and running and is also growing slowly.
There is a mountain of content from adsnese goldmine, nitromarketing and a load of other memberships that I have had which need to be sifted through, prioritised, web sites developed and promoted but what did I do.
Bought some more bloody software.
I am a sales mans dream. I have almost every piece of software available on the internet for keyword research, adsense and seo ready web site creation and seo promotional submitting and assessing software.
Lets see how long I can go before I buy another one? is got to be done and so have a lot of the other sites. great name but no site. I have several villas and apartments to put up there which are standing empty due to my procrastination and I am determined to get them done. So with renewed vigour I shall go forth and DO. With passion, dedication, motiation, commitment and conviction. Well we will see.
Until the next time....
Now We are Off
It is a mindfield out there on the virtual world of software and all profess their unlimited abilities and amazing powers to create you wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Difficult for me as I dream BIG..
I have also got the script to allow us to take the Amazon catalogue and put the whole thing, if we choose to, on our own website. We also have several other pieces of great software that we are trialing and I will post here when I will post the results and our feedback later.
There is software to create blogs from other blogs, create blogs from content on your site, create blogs that just link to your site, take articles, mix them up and post to blogs. Which one is the one you need above all others. WATCH THIS SPACE. The blogging software test is on!!
We also have another piece of software that creates 10's of 1,000's of pages from articles found on the web or your own and enables you to put in Amazon script, adsense and you own blogging program up. Oh the excitement is killing me. :o)
The picture is getting clearer and the results will surely follow. We have 9.64$ from adsense yesterday. I am so looking forward to re reading this blog when it is upto the levels of 964$ daily and above.
Will it ever be, is there life on mars and will the politicians ever be able to answer a straight question?
The answers to the last question is obviously a big no but the jury is out on the first two. Although I must say I am quietly confident on the the first being achieved.
High ho, high ho, it's off to work we go de dum de dum de dum de dum high ho, high ho, ... hi ho hi ho.. (still gut truble wiv me spelen)
Never Give up on a good thing
I have soooo much software and crap my computer is groaning under the weight of it all.
We have just made a list of all the web site names that we own which is in excess of 200. They are for different types of internet business.
They include adsense sites, sites to sell software that we have the the resale rights to, clickbank and other affiliate sites and various others to projects that we have in mind.
All we got to do is get one working properly and we will be on our way to the internet riches we so desire.
Focus is the name of the game and procrastination has to be a thing of the past. Maybe tomorrow !!
Until the next bit of news.
No Such thing as a Sure Thing
It was a corporate day so no cost to me except the losses incurred betting on a sure thing. It is definitely not a sport or hobby for the faint or weak hearted.
Watching the punters jumping up and down and bouncing along the side of the track, willing their horse to push that bit harder and get to the post first. It does not seem to have any effect on the horse or jockey but still they do it!!!
This year they had a lot of horses die which is very sad. I am amazed that there aren´t as many punters die of heart attacks with all the excitment and tears of the winners and losers.
Not too much done on the web sites over the last few days. I am trying to get the website up and working (well going to ask Sean to anyway) team work see.
The files have been uploaded to our massive directory on the site and it looks good. Just got to improve the front page and add adsense, also thinking of putting clickbank on there as well.
Got to organise and prioritise the different markets and avenues that we want to work with. We intend to try them all and see which ones suit us best and earn themost money (of course)
We are going to set up a web site which will work through each step of setting up a website. From registering a name, designing and hosting a website, finding content, using adsense and publishing the whole thing.
Each step will be done in real time and show what research is needed where to go, how to do it and what tools to use.
It will build into a complete online guide and training course. We will be doing each step ourselves and build a new site from scratch. You will see it being registered, designed uploaded and sent to the search engines, and the processes we use to start generating income. Subscribers will learn varius techniques such as blog and pinging thy will learn what to do and, just as important, what NOT to do when trying to optimise your site for the search engines.
All this will be available with the stats so that anyone can see the progress live on the site, as well as via the downloadable videos.
A forum will also be linked to the site so that people following what are doing can ask questions, share their experiences and post tips and advise as we go.
Exciting times and loads of work to do so I had better get off this blog and get stuck in. But first, I had better have some tea and get the kids to bed :-)
The Royal We is what I say
The site is for articles. Ok the name is not quite as descriptive as I would like but I bought several really good site names last night so it will be upgraded to a more suitable name soon.
The site is for people to upload their articles about marketing and online business topics. It will be market specific and not open to people to put their articles on making good pasta or ways to cure the ingrown toe nail.
My friend and partner has also been hard at work. Next to me, he is one of the most motivated, enthusiastic and excitable people I know and it is a pleasure to talk to him. He always leaves you smiling and, like myself, he always looks at the positive in everything which is why we get on so well I suppose.
We have a niche marketing strategy which I will explain in more detail in another blog but basically there is one main site which holds the information but various different niche windows will be going to it so that visitors will see only what is relevant to them. This enables us to target niche areas which are easier and cheaper. So loads of little bites of the web pie rather than trying to bite off big expensive chunks.
I will eventually stick with the plan and blog the details of the different ways to generate revenue online. Until then.
A Big Kid at Heart with Toys for the Boys

We have just moved back to the UK from
Lanzarote and sold my biggest toy.
We had great fun on her over the years. I sold her on Ebay.

It took a few attempts but it got over 8,000 hits each time it went on. Now there is an AHA! moment eh?
How easy would it be to find people trying to sell their boat and offer to put it up on ebay for a cut. Say 5% not bad on a boat selling for £85,000 or more. Two of those a month will help pay the mortgage. That is an easy way to make some money on ebay or generate some nautical related items that will be attractive to all that traffic. So much money out there and so little time to do it.
Lloyd :)
Looking for the wood amongst the trees
You may be glad to read that I have decided against dishing out my life history. phew I hear!!!
The only person apart from my mum who is remotely interested in my lengthy life story is me. So, I felt it was better to save you from the drudgery of scrolling through the lengthy prose to the meaty stuff which hopefully will help you and me to make it as an internet marketeer. Making money online from whatever source takes your fancy.
I will explain however, that I am married and have 7 lovely children from 24 to 18 months (and yes I do have a telly) have just moved back to the UK form Lanzarote after 15 years (Yes, I am mad) with my job which is in sales and marketing for an international company.
The internet has been a hobby and big interest to me for many years. Making money on the internet is not as easy as the pundits say. The problem is looking for the nuggets and finding the wood from the trees.
You have to decide which direction you want to take and just DO IT!!!
The first step is to work out which internet business is best for you.
I will make a list for you of the things that I have considered and where I am right now in my next blog.
This is very theraputic for me it is helping me put a structure to my thoughts (well sort of) and enabling me to move forward. I have several hundred web sites and names that I have got to do various different things. All of which I will explain in future blogs. My latest one is Go take a look and let me know what you think.
Until next time TaTa For Now
In the beginning there was confusion!!
After spending my working years making money the orthodox way, I decided to have a go online.
At 45 maybe I am a bit past it although when I first made the decision to try it I was only 39. Yep!!!! It has taken me 6 years of procrastinating to get this far.
Dont get me wrong, I have spent many hours studying various gurus, online marketing techniques, reading ebooks and courses, bought and listened to countless mp3 and audio cd´s watched hours of dvd and online video, bought numerous "must have" web tools and software programs so I must know my stuff by now?? Or so you would think.
All this has done is created more confusion. There are so many different views and promises of wealth online. However, it is still possible to make money with online marketing you have just got to decide which way is best for you. Make the decision and stick with the plan.
The idea of this blog is to record my journey from here on in. Hopefully, it will make me take regular action and help put structure to my goal of becoming a successful online marketeer.
If you are reading this (and I doubt it as I have only just set up this account :-) ) the following is the plan for my next blog.
1. A brief (or more likely to be verbose) description of me, my background and family, what I do and how it has taken so long to get here! and a list of my goals. Dangerous as it means I have to take some form of action.
I was always told the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.... or, for the animal lovers who maybe slightly upset at that thought. The best way to get to the top of a mountain is one step at a time. For those worried about the damage done to the environment with me traipsing over the rare mountain flowers, remember this is all metaphorical... Maybe that should be the title of another blog..... Political correctness gone mad.... "What is it safe to say these days"??
The point is if, you are still awake, is to actually take that first step and this is IT.... Oh, my mum would be so proud.
2. The various ways to make money from my perspective.
3. Searching for the wood amongst the trees and Information overload.
4. K.I.S.S (Keep it Simple Stupid) Are you having a laugh
So until the next post... I bid farewell... My first goal is to update this on a very regular basis. So lets see how I do.